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PXL Review: A Behance Portfolio Review Week Event

Fahrenheit Marketing along with Behance is hosting a portfolio review event as part of Portfolio Review Week in Austin! On Tuesday the 24th of October from 5 pm to 9 pm, Fahrenheit Marketing will be welcoming newly employed designers and graduating design school students from various local programs to PXL Review, sponsored by Fahrenheit and Behance. … Continued

Design + Life

Design thinking has proven to make business more innovative. This means asking the right questions, testing solutions, then refining those findings. The design process can be applied to living to create a more fulfilling life. Like design, you are never 100% sure of the outcome when you begin. Solutions start out as a hunch and … Continued

7 Marketing Agency Sly Moves

Some marketing agencies are run by scumbags. Here’s how to identify and avoid the agencies that plan to treat you poorly. Scumbags are more interested in getting your money than they are in providing a valuable service.

Demystifying Creativity

Generating creative ideas can be daunting. The white page looms and anxiety sets in. I’ve been there and know it is frustrating. But before you panic, remember that all projects start with a foundation. Even the most innovative design comes from studying similar problems then adopting aspects for a unique solution.   There is a … Continued

Branding through Color

Picking and using your brand colors shouldn’t be a game of “what’s my favorite color?” Instead, it should involve a little brand soul searching. Matching your brand mission, goals, and values to color choice and usage are essential to effective brand communication. The use of color in branding helps convey emotions and creates visual consistency … Continued

Pokemon: Green Means Go

You are a CEO at a tech company in San Francisco and have to choose which product team to promote to senior level roles. Which would you choose? Product Team A: 14M downloads $20k in daily revenue $1.1M total net revenue Product Team B: 100M downloads $10M in daily revenue $160M in net revenue

What Comic Books Teach You About Design

I can rant on forever about why comics are great. The combination of visual elements and text call to me. Plus, I am a sucker for a great hero. Better yet, a great villain. In Scott Mcloud’s Understanding Comics, he defines comics as “Juxtaposed pictorial and other images in sequence, intended to convey information and/or … Continued

Design for User Experience

Information is the lifeblood of design. Without information, design is useless. Web users do not spend as much time focusing on fonts and colors as designers would like to believe. They want information. Fellow designers, I am with you; I die a little when good companies use inefficient typography. If design is not about about … Continued