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SXSW2015 Festival: What we Learned

  The famous annual festival that adds to our economy each year is now bigger and better than ever with more brands, music, and educational events. These events focus on specific areas of professional development, new business ideas, technology leaks, and free food!

Online Marketing: You Reap what you Sow

That famous saying “you reap what you sow” is a common quote followed by a mass amount of working professionals. Reaping what you sow is just another iteration of you get what you put into it, working hard produces favorable results. This is also true for the online marketing world, especially search engine optimization (SEO). … Continued

The Online Tag Game

It’s like playing every child’s favorite recess game, tag, but online. In the game of tag, strategy and speed simultaneously work together for the advantage of either the tagger or the one being chased. The playground is Google and let me tell you, competition is fierce. Google likes to throw in some curve balls to … Continued

4 Marketing Mistakes Lawyers Always Make

Unfortunately, online marketing scams happen everyday. Without appropriate marketing knowledge, it is easy for anyone to make mistakes when searching for an agency to handle their marketing needs. Always do your research before you enter into a contract with a marketing agency. Below are a few things that you should look out for:

Why Every Lawyer Needs a Marketing Agency

Focus on winning that case Jury’s, trials, and cases, they take up a lot of time; and time is what we are all running up against. Lawyers definitely understand the value of time. We are all experts in our own industry, who is to expect a lawyer to know, yet have the time or energy … Continued

The Importance of Color Selection for a Website

There are many discussions about the psychology of color and how it affects consumer behavior. A website is essentially a virtual storefront showcasing your products or services. Therefore, it is very important to use the right color for your website that best reflects who you are and what message you want to portray for your … Continued

Meteor Development – Why Is It Awesome

Web technology is so fast moving that often times it all looks like a blur. It seems it was yesterday we were still coding sites on tables, using parameters that today would be considered absolutely unacceptable. The rise of HTML5, CSS3, advanced JavaScript and other languages have essentially transformed the way we see the web … Continued

Responsive Design: A Must

With the surge of mobile devices and the increase in their processing capability and screen resolution, they became a formidable outlet to display content to a ravenous crowd that would much rather be on their phone/tablet than on a desk somewhere.