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Meteor Development – Why Is It Awesome

Web technology is so fast moving that often times it all looks like a blur. It seems it was yesterday we were still coding sites on tables, using parameters that today would be considered absolutely unacceptable. The rise of HTML5, CSS3, advanced JavaScript and other languages have essentially transformed the way we see the web … Continued

Responsive Design: A Must

With the surge of mobile devices and the increase in their processing capability and screen resolution, they became a formidable outlet to display content to a ravenous crowd that would much rather be on their phone/tablet than on a desk somewhere.

Writing Good Content: A Must For Web Developers

Good design? User-interface? Links, pictures, and appealing colors?  How about content? While keeping your website looking great and functioning without any bugs is ideal, your content is what will make your visitors stay and comeback with more visitors. The process of snowballing is an important one, because if your reader likes your content and feels … Continued

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

When businesses dive into social media, they can be overwhelmed and confused. Twitter provides a very succinct platform: you’ve got 140 characters to make a point that will intrigue, engage and entertain your target market. Many times, businesses can get overzealous with tweets — either tweeting too often, about irrelevant topics, or far too opinionated … Continued

5 Logo Design Mistakes to Avoid

A logo is the best way for clients instantly recognize your brand. Regardless of your industry, having a precise, simple logo is necessary for having instant recognizability among your clients. Putting too much thought, or not enough, into the design of your logo can be its ultimate downfall. When trying to brand your company, keep … Continued

SEO Overview: What Is Link Building?

Whether you’re just diving into the world of digital marketing and relations, or you’ve been growing your knowledge for quite some time now, it never hurts to brush up on some basics that play a large role in the world of search engine optimization that we know today. The big picture of SEO is broken … Continued

Speed Up Your Website’s Load Time

A slow-loading website isn’t just unpleasant to sit through, it can usually significantly harm your site traffic numbers and also your site ranking on search engines. After all, a speedy web page can increase user engagement and retention. A website can be slowed down by everything from large image sizes to outdated code, so here … Continued

Email Marketing: Do It Right.

If you open your personal email account in the morning and automatically delete those four emails from that store you purchased your daughter’s birthday gift at last week, you know what it’s like to be the victim of an email marketing campaign gone wrong. These companies, whether they are aware of it or not, are … Continued