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Rumor Mill: Apple Edition

As the hour draws near for the new iPhone reveal, the rumors are swirling about the newest version of the iPhone – The iPhone 5C. It is the alleged “low-cost” iPhone that will pull Apple back up in terms of smartphone market share, which has taken a hit due to intense competition from Android and … Continued

What To Do In A Social Media Crisis

The amount of social media crises in recent history should not come as a surprise. Social media is prized by corporations who are trying to make a meaningful impact in their customers’ lives, but when everyone is online 100% of the time, things can blow up in a matter of an hour. It is important … Continued

Build Your Brand With Twitter

  Twitter is a flourishing social networking site because it is an easy and inexpensive way to strengthen your organization’s online brand. The beauty of social networking sites like Twitter is that it opens organizations up to their audiences by facilitating two-way communication. Two-way communication is a fast way to build trust and credibility for … Continued

Rumor Mill: Facebook to Dip Into Video Ads

This week, rumors began circulating that Facebook, the social networking giant, would begin to roll out targeted video advertisements on users’ news feeds. The videos would potentially be integrated into news feeds, similar to the current “sponsored pages” advertisements, and are to begin automatically playing once the user scrolls past it. Mobile social networking apps … Continued

Hiring with LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become not only a great place to look for jobs and post a public resume, but it’s also become a great tool for business looking to hire. Potential employees are now literally right at your fingertips, and it makes recruiting as simple as a search. Even small businesses need quality, experienced employees, and … Continued

Is Pinterest Right for Your Business?

Pinterest is quickly becoming a popular marketing tool for many different types of businesses. Pinterest provides a visual and social platform for content, videos, photos and other products and services businesses offer. So, is Pinterest right for your business? That depends- but you can probably benefit from the site no matter what. We’ll walk you … Continued

SEO News: Google

In an industry like SEO, the rules of the game are changing constantly. It’s important to keep up with what’s happening, whether it’s new search engine rules or new techniques. Here’s the latest story we found interesting, and it concerns Google: Google Receives Lowest Score in Customer Satisfaction Survey, Ever In a survey released by … Continued

4 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

SEO is a vital part of any marketing campaign but it can quickly turn against your brand if not implemented correctly. SEO can be complicated and hard to understand and there are many myths surrounding the field, but there’s also a few big ‘don’ts’ that we can guarantee will hurt your search rankings. Keyword Stuffing: … Continued

Guest Blogging Etiquette & Tips

Guest blogging is a great tool to get more links and exposure for your business, but you can’t simply throw a blog together and send it to every blog you want. There’s a certain etiquette that comes along with being a guest blogger and it’s not always a simple process. We’ve put together some practices … Continued

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

When businesses dive into social media, they can be overwhelmed and confused. Twitter provides a very succinct platform: you’ve got 140 characters to make a point that will intrigue, engage and entertain your target market. Many times, businesses can get overzealous with tweets — either tweeting too often, about irrelevant topics, or far too opinionated … Continued