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How HARO Helps Businesses

If you haven’t heard of HARO (Help A Reporter Out), your business needs to start checking it out. HARO connects journalists with sources for a wide variety of subjects. Whatever your business’ industry, there’s a reporter out there who needs your expertise. Reporters, bloggers, and other content writers need quotes and information on a wide … Continued

5 Common Design Mistakes of Businesses

Most small businesses will attempt to design a website themselves, thinking they have the right idea about what goes where, what’s most important and how to format it. In reality, there are many errors in design that companies consistently make, and though they may seem small, these mess-ups can cause your customers so much frustration … Continued

Why LinkedIn Is A Smart Tool For Businesses

When making use of social media for your business, LinkedIn can often be overlooked. LinkedIn has become a successfully useful tool for a variety of different businesses, big and small. When putting together your social media marketing strategy, LinkedIn should be a top priority and carefully managed to ensure you’re getting its full benefits. LinkedIn … Continued

5 Social Media Myths

Social media has become a central part of marketing strategies for all businesses, but with new strategies comes more confusion. Many popular beliefs about social media just aren’t true, and we’re here to find the myths and shed light on the facts. When your business decides to dive into social media, make sure you’re not … Continued

Facebook Introduces Clickable Hashtags

Facebook announced the introduction of clickable hashtags on it’s news site this week, making it possible to see large feeds of the biggest topics people are posting about using hashtags (can we get a #finally?). Similar to Twitter or Instagram, Facebook hashtags are a way of making your post part of a bigger discussion. The … Continued

How Colors Affect Different Industries

As important as the layout of your company’s website is, the colors of your logo and your site are just as important. Certain colors can evoke particular emotions in customers and cause an immediate effect on consumers’ minds. The most prominent and recognizable brands in the world can be noticed simply by their color, and … Continued

Responsive Design: How It Works & Why You Need It

The term ‘responsive design’ has been thrown around a lot recently, and as mobile Web gets bigger and iPads keep selling, it’s going to stick around. The concept of responsive Web design revolves around making websites compatible on a variety of devices, from laptops to iPhones to video game browsers. In a mobile, on-the-go world, … Continued