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What is Content Marketing?

The type of advertising that worked decades ago doesn’t connect with this generation. People skip TV commercials, their eyes have become attuned to zoning out online ads, and they rarely buy magazines or newspapers. That is why another kind of advertising has become king, content marketing.  The Content Marketing Institute says that content marketing is … Continued

Why We Love Roots WordPress Theme

Fahrenheit Marketing only hires the best of the best — that’s why Ben Word, the creator of the WordPress theme Roots, is one of our Web developers. We interviewed Ben to learn more about his popular Roots WordPress theme that our clients’ sites are based on.  When did Roots come out? Roots was released to … Continued

Marketing Tool Profile: MailChimp

At Fahrenheit Marketing we use many online marketing tools that help us get our clients the results they want. For example, when our clients want to use email marketing to contact their customers, we use MailChimp because it always gives us the results we need. Through MailChimp, we design email newsletters, send them out, share … Continued

Top Three A/B Testing Tips

The A/B test is a powerful tool we use at Fahrenheit Marketing to determine what converts users. Unlike most tests, it is painless since users aren’t even aware they are being tested. During an A/B test users are sent to a slightly different version of a given Web page and their behavior is compared against … Continued

Happy PPC Spending Over the Holidays

As the holidays approach, so do more marketing opportunities as consumers begin their buying frenzies. A recent article about making good investments in PPC spending over the holidays aimed to remind everyone that PPC analysts should make sure their clients are getting the most for their money, especially during the holiday season. The article recommended … Continued

Who cares if you have a responsive web design?

Who cares if you have a responsive web design? Google does — and so should you. In a Google blog post discussing the best ways to create a mobile presence that Google can easily crawl and index, Google’s number one suggestion was having a website with responsive web design. Responsive web design means that your … Continued

Branding So Good You Forgot It was a Brand

What is a brand? Your brand is your company’s reason for existing and how that reason is expressed through your advertising, website, social media, etc., to your customers, shareholders and employees. Even though you create your company’s brand, a brand is really a combination of the associations and value that your customers place on your … Continued

Stay on Google’s Good Side

With Google’s recent Penguin update, many sites are finding it difficult to rank high in search engine results. The Penguin update was intended to weed out sites using spammy, black-hat or questionable search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to achieve a high search engine rank. These black-hat techniques violate Google’s policy and Google holds sites accountable … Continued

The Simple Social Media Challenge

You say you dislike social media, but have you taken it for a spin? Many shy away from social media because they feel left in the dark. Granted, in the beginning the learning curve can feel like falling into an abyss. Give this powerful marketing tool a chance. Send your inner naysayer on vacation and … Continued