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December 2011: Record Month for Google+

Although Facebook still has a dominant grasp on the social media market, Google+ has shown some impressive progress in its relatively brief existence. Experian Hitwise reported 49 million US visits to Google+ in December, which is a dramatic 55% increase over the previous month of November. Hitwise also reported that Google+ has experienced growth in … Continued

Facebook Is the Top Search Term of 2011

Experian Hitwise recently released the top search terms of 2011 across the major search engines. Facebook once again tops the list and holds a total of 4 of the top 10 spots, just as it did in 2010. Although Facebook also held 4 top spots in 2010, the total volume of these terms increased 33% … Continued

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2011

Over the past year, we’ve written more than 100 blog posts. It takes a lot of hard work to constantly create new content, and we want to thank everyone that read our posts over the last year. We compiled a list of our top 10 blog posts based on the number of views and they … Continued

Paid Search 6 Times More Effective for Offline Sales

A new study by retail marketing firm RevTrax revealed the impact paid search has on offline sales. For every $1 in online revenue generated by paid search, $6 is generated in offline revenue. This fact has been easy for marketers to overlook, due to the difficulty of tracking online-to-offline transactions. For two years, RevTrax monitored … Continued

Video Advertising Views Up 128% in 2011

Online video views have exploded in popularity over the past few years, likely due to a variety of factors including increased internet speeds, and better mobile and tablet video technology. According to the Q3 Video Monetization Report by Free Wheel, this year alone online video views are up 97%. The number of video ad views … Continued

Google Receives 44% of Global Ad Spend

According to data released by communications firm ZenithOptimedia, Google now owns 44% of the global advertising market. This is up nearly 10% over the past five years, solidifying Google’s dominance in online advertising. Google has continued to gain market share at an impressive rate, largely due to acquisitions such as YouTube. Facebook is also gaining … Continued

Google+ Pages Growing at a Slow but Steady Rate

BrightEdge recently released data comparing brand adoption among Facebook and Google+. BrightEdge found that of the top 100 brands in the United States, 61% of them have created Google+ pages in the short amount of time they have been available. Facebook currently has a large lead on Google+, with 93% of the top 100 brands … Continued