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Mobile Could Top 22 Percent of Total Search Spend Next Year

A recent report released by Efficient Frontier (EFF) and Macquarie Capital predicts that paid search from mobile devices (including tablets) will comprise between 16-22%of total ad spend in 2012. EMarketer also projects that 2012 search ad revenues in the US will reach approximately $17 billion. Given EFF’s projections, this means mobile spending will be $2.7 … Continued

Top Tools from Pubcon 2011

We’ve decided to share some of the tools that were frequently mentioned in both presentations and tweets at the 2011 Pubcon Las Vegas conference. Link Building Link Research Tools Link Research Tools (LRT) combines link data from 22 sources and includes 53 different metrics to measure link value and find high quality sources of links. … Continued

Google Announces Major Algorithm Change for Freshness

Google unveiled a new algorithm update aimed at providing fresher search results that’s expected to impact 35 percent of searches by providing recent news, blog posts and multimedia when a user’s intent is to find the latest information on a topic. Example searches that could see “fresher” results: – who to start for fantasy football … Continued

Mobile Search Expected to Spike During Holiday Season

Searches from mobile and tablet devices are expected to spike during the holiday season as consumers comparison shop, get directions and look for deals. Performics recently released a report showing that mobile devices accounted for 14.2 percent of Google’s total search clicks while paid clicks from mobile devices are expected to increase to 17.3 percent … Continued

Google Webmaster Tools Adds Alert for Duplicate Content

Site owners will now receive alerts when Google detects duplicate content on another domain through their Webmaster Tools platform. The new alerts will help webmasters be proactive about sites that copy or republish their work and in some cases discover issues within their own sites. It’s no secret that copied content is a huge problem … Continued

Results of Facebook’s New “Hybrid” Feed

EdgeRank recently released preliminary data on Facebook’s redesigned newsfeed showing that overall fan page impressions dropped but engagement increased. The new data shows that companies on Facebook need to adjust and reformulate their social media strategies for the new hybrid feed. The Impact of the “Hybrid” Newsfeed Facebook’s most visible change has been the hybrid … Continued

Fahrenheit’s SEO Philosophy

In the latest Fahrenheit Marketing blog, SEO Specialist Will Gallahue takes us a bit further into Fahrenheit’s Search Engine Optimization philosophy. At Fahrenheit, SEO goes beyond back-links and keyword rich content and focuses on building an overall web presence through social sites and search engines. In the video we highlight the fact that testing is … Continued

Understanding The “People Are Talking About This” Facebook Metric

Recently, Facebook released information on new features that benefit advertisers and fan page administrators. Among these, Facebook added a new “People are talking about this” feature. The purpose of this new section is to track different conversations surrounding a particular topic but research showed people were more confused than excited about it. Seeing the confusion, … Continued