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Eye Tracking with Google

Recently conducted a research experiment in which they used Mirametrix eye-tracking equipment to gauge consumer engagement on the different aspects of Google Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERP). Eight different participants between the ages of 18-30 were shown SERPs for a total of 30 seconds. We’ll begin with SERP experiment number one titled “Local #1 – … Continued

100th Post: A Click is Not a Client (Video)

In Fahrenheit’s latest video blog “A Click is Not a Client”, SEO Specialist Will Gallahue briefly runs though the Fahrenheit Marketing Search Engine Optimization philosophy. When evaluating the success of a website, there are many factors to consider beyond traffic volume. Many companies make the mistake of solely basing performance on consumer traffic and web … Continued

Google Chrome On The Rise

2011 has been one of tremendous growth for Google Chrome as its market share continually makes gains on browser giants such as Firefox and Internet Explorer.  Under the assumption that these trends continue, StatCounter predicts that Chrome will become the second most used browser by this upcoming December. Google Chrome began the year with a … Continued

Facebook Shapes the World of Social Media Metrics

Facebook has become the medium of choice for brands looking to connect with consumers but businesses always had a hard time getting detailed metrics regarding pages and campaigns. This is going to change in the upcoming days as Facebook is set to release a new set of tools designed to improve the measurement of consumer … Continued

What is Facebook Timeline? (Video)

Facebook recently announced a multitude of changes to the website’s features and user interface including the brand new Facebook Timeline. In Fahrenheit Marketing’s newest video blog, Joseph Holguin takes us through Timeline which is shaping up to be one of the most exciting changes to Facebook since it was launched. This new feature puts your … Continued

5 Tips to Optimize Your Brand’s Facebook Page (Video)

We here at Fahrenheit Marketing recently decided to start filming what we hope to be a continuing series of videos featuring our new social media strategist, Joseph Holguin.  In today’s video Joseph shares five quick and easy tips that businesses can use to transform their Facebook page.  Most businesses only include basic information,  ignoring opportunities … Continued

Google+, On The Rise

It was recently estimated that Google+, the newest social network on the block, grew a whopping 30% between the 20th and 22nd of September. During this period, the social network finally moved away from their field trial and launched open beta meaning that anyone could join, eliminating the need for an invite to participate. In … Continued

Why Are Consumers “Unliking” Brands?

ExactTarget recently released a report on the interactions that consumers have with brands through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and email. According to this study, 51% of social media consumers felt that after liking a company, they expected to receive additional marketing messages from that company. On the other hand, 40% of these consumers … Continued Says That a Link’s Half-Life is 3 Hours

Have you ever asked yourself, “How long will the link I just posted stay alive until my friends and followers stop caring?” Well may have an answer for you. According to a recent study, the average half-life of these links hovers around 3 hours. Predictably, found that the half-life, or time it … Continued