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2011: The Year Online Marketing Changed Forever

We’re nearly two thirds of the way through 2011 and we’ve already seen major developments in search marketing that will shape the way that users, companies and search engines will interact for years to come. Here are some of the biggest changes so far in 2011: Quality Content is Now a Requirement Plagued by complaints … Continued

Facebook Hits the Trillion Pageview Mark

Yesterday, Google announced its list of the most-visited websites on the internet. Of course, at the top of this list was Facebook hitting a new high of 1 trillion page views for the month of June. This was a large featĀ  to conquer, even for Facebook. Facebook has 750 million registered users, although during the … Continued

Restaurant Websites: Hold the Flash

Slate recently published an article asking a very intriguing question: why are restaurant websites so bad? Pull up almost any eatery’s site and you’ll find it littered with huge images of (at best) featured dishes or (at worst) stock photography and a chef’s head shot. Flash that can’t be seen on iPhones is prevalent in … Continued

July Online Marketing Q&A

In July, we received many questions about Google Plus One, Google’s Panda update and PPC advertising. If you have any questions you would like answered during our Monthly Marketing Q and A sessions, leave them in the comments below or click here to email us a question. Google Plus One Does Google Analytics track +1 … Continued

The 10 Most Expensive PPC Segments

97 percent of Google’s revenue comes from its advertising platform, which generated more than $209.49 billion last year, according to When we try to imagine the most expensive keyword groups on Google ads, we typically think of legal and financial terms. But according to a new report issued by Wordstream, the top 10 most … Continued

Are Subdomains the Answer for Panda Penalties?

A new article in the Wall Street Journal suggests that one site owner has found a remedy for sites that have seen a huge loss of traffic from the Panda update: subdomains. According to the article, lost 50 percent of its traffic following the algorithm change, and their management team was frustrated after tighter … Continued

June Online Marketing Q and A

In June, we received many questions about article marketing, site penalties, content development and best practices for link building. If you have any questions you would like answered during our Monthly Marketing Q&A sessions, leave them in the comments below or click here to email us a question. Article Marketing Q: What are the best … Continued

Google Removes All Sites on CO.CC From the Index

Google made a stunning yet necessary decision to de-index the entire CO.CC domain. Many people confuse the site as a TLD (top level domain) when in actuality it simply hosted millions of sub-domains, with many of those being used for nefarious purposes. Comments and email spam with links to hosted sites was a common … Continued

Track +1 Impact in Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics

The impact of Google +1 can now be tracked in both Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics with special reports and plugins to monitor activity, engagement and impact. Webmaster Tools now has a +1 metrics section with three new reports in the left sidebar: Search Impact, Activity and Audience. – Search Impact: This report displays a … Continued