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Learning to See in CSS

By now, you might have heard that CSS is a pretty big deal . Chances are your favorite site ditched tables in favor of Cascading Style Sheets years ago. In fact, without CSS, that website would be nothing but plain text, scattered images and ugly blue underlined links.

3 Major Learning Points from Google’s Farm Update

Since Google first announced and then implemented an algorithm change aimed at sites deemed to have low quality content, it’s become apparent that this is the most visible algorithm update in years. The goal of the update was to promote quality content by devaluing what Google perceived to be low quality derivative works and so … Continued

Is 100 Links Per Page Still Recommended by Google?

In a new Google Webmaster video, Mat Cutts explains that the 100 link per page rule is no longer a suggested practice and sites with more than 100 links are able to be indexed just fine. However he cationed that sites should still pay close attention to links appearing on their pages.

Chrome’s New Personal Blocklist Extension Ripe for Abuse

Google released a new extension for Chrome called “Personal Blocklist” allowing users to remove sites from their search results. For instance if you search for “lymphangioma” and want to remove the eHow article describing how to perform surgery on yourself, you can click block which will remove that result and any future results from … Continued