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How Long do Google Penalties Last?

On the heels of the recent manual penalty against J.C. Penny, Matt Cutts released a new Google Webmaster Help video that talks about both manual and algorithmic penalties and how Google treats each of them. Highlights: – Google has two different types of penalties: algorithmic and manual. – Algorithmic penalties are assessed automatically if Google … Continued

International Internet Use Continues to Grow

What’s the country with the highest number of internet users? (Hint: the United States is second) Could it be Japan? They are a technology crazy country but they’re third overall. Could it be India? Mumbai is quickly turning into the Silicon Valley of the east but they rank fourth (despite just 7 percent of their … Continued

Smart Phones Outsell PCs for the First Time Ever

Smart phones are now outselling PCs according to fourth quarter shipping data. In the last three months of 2010, manufacturers shipped 100.9 million smart phones compared to 92.1 million computers. Smart phone shipments were up 87 percent year-over-year while PC shipments only posted a 3 percent increase. PC shipments have been affected by the growth … Continued

January Q&A With Fahrenheit Marketing

Fahrenheit is introducing a new monthly marketing Q&A session featuring user questions about online marketing, SEO or any other relevant topics. If you have any questions you would like for us to answer, leave them in the comments below or click here to email us a question. The following questions are from January 2011 and … Continued

Follow Up on Content Farms and Search Engines

During yesterday’s Farsight 2011 discussion, the topic of content farming was discussed among representatives from Google, Bing and Blekko. The discussion centered around whether content generated in this manner should be considered spam and produced some interesting insights into how engines treat and rank this type of content. For those of you who aren’t familiar … Continued

Competitors Will Copy Your Online Marketing Plan

At today’s Farsight 2011 conference, Google and Bing squared off as Google alleged that Bing was copying its results in order to improve the relevance of their own queries. In a heated discussion, Matt Cutts accused Bing of using their toolbar data from Google queries as a model for their own results. Essentially he was … Continued

Three Steps to Improve Your Twitter Account

Here are three tips we created based on our own experiences to help companies better manage their Twitter accounts. – Manage Your Following List One of the worst pieces of social media advice is that to build a following, you need to follow a bunch of accounts and hope they follow you back. Aside from … Continued