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Formerly known as the Arizona College of Allied Health, the Arizona College sought to partner with Fahrenheit Marketing to translate its new offer and vision to the online community. The college website plays a major role in its ability to perform, as new prospects typically have their first experience with Arizona College online.


  • Design update
  • Content Strategy
  • Creative Direction
  • Development
  • Ongoing Support

Several compositions were created in order to demonstrate possible ways of content organization and hierarchy. Focus groups were employed to determine the feedback of students when faced with the possible options. Revisions and updates were implemented to address each valid concern and the point of general satisfaction was reached within a few weeks.

With a wealth of information gathered through Google Analytics, Fahrenheit Marketing had a very good idea of how the website and its content was being used. We prioritized content placement and imagery following the established path users had left over the course of several years. The end result was a website that was incredibly easy to navigate, easy on the eyes, fully compliant with mobile devices and following the natural path users had established all along.

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In the end, we improved user engagement, form submissions and inquiries, mobile compliance with responsive design, and streamlined lead processing through CRM integrations as a final result. Less is often more!


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