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GRASTEK is an immunotherapy treatment for Timothy grass allergies. Instead of a shot, GRASTEK is a once-a-day tablet that dissolves quickly when placed under the tongue. GRASTEK offers at home immunotherapy that is safe for children.

The previous GRASTEK site was not designed with the end user in mind, and their pages were cluttered with too much text. The design needed to focus on the people taking the tablet and the physicians prescribing the medication. This meant the information should be broken down into easy to read sections that clearly explain why the tablet is beneficial to the patient.

We wanted to focus on making the information easier to digest. The site needed readable text and visual elements emphasizing the positive side of allergy free living.

Our goal was for users to immediately know what GRASTEK is and its benefits by quickly scanning any page. We achieved this by highlighting how the tablet was better than the competition in short sections of text. And, using high-quality portraits of people that allowed visitors to see themselves as patients who found relief from their grass allergies.

We added a more human feel to an industry that typically feels cold and distant. This was achieved by using people focused imagery and improving page scannability.

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The outcome

Overall, the site is easier to read and information is easily accessible. GRASTEK is promoted as a warm and inviting company, helping differentiate them from their competitors.


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