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Lammes Candies is an Austin based locally owned candy company that offers more than 1,000 kinds of premium delightful chocolates, taffies, brittles, and more. With over 130 years of legendary Texas confections and age-old recipes, Lammes is dedicated to providing mouthwatering treats and a wonderful shopping experience to their customers.


Lammes Candies was looking to migrate their e-commerce platform from their current Oracle solution to Big Commerce in efforts to improve their overall visual and functional aspects of the website.

The overall goal was to combine native functionality from the Big Commerce platform using a pre-built theme, partnered solutions and third integration to provide a better solution for Lammes.


We designed and developed the chosen theme, integrated the platform and partner solutions to fit the client's needs and created custom solutions for features not native to supporting parties.

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The outcome

With optimal user experience in mind, we were able to create a more condensed and organized nav system where the customer could easily navigate through the website with as few clicks as possible in keeping with the characteristics of their brand. The new updates have helped them continue to sell their delightful treats not only in Austin, but on a national scale.


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