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4 Mobile App Design Tips

When deciding to design a mobile app for your business, it’s key to take a step back and make sure your app is efficient and user-friendly. Many times, businesses can get too excited with their mobile apps and forget that their purpose is convenience- are they making the users life easier with this app? While that’s an important aspect of mobile design, it’s also critical that the app looks good — users want something trendy and clean, not over-designed or an eyesore. We’ve got a few tips to help you along in your mobile journey.

Keep the Theme

Your app should reflect your company and its website: keep colors and fonts similar, if not exactly the same. The look and feel of your brand should be reflected right back at you in your app. Be sure to upload your logo into the design- users should recognize your brand just from glancing at your app.

Make Your Icon Pop

If it’s going to be sitting on their smartphone or iPad screen, it might as well look good. Design an app icon that resembles your company, coordinates with color and is nice to look at.

Make it Easy

Keep it simple! When designing your app, keep your least-technical customer in mind. Is the app easily navigable? Are the buttons big and easy to understand? Your design should be intuitive and should focus on user-friendliness.

Quality is Key

Everything on your app should have quality, high resolution images, colors that pop, good content and a sleek design. A user may download your app, but if it doesn’t look good and work well, they won’t keep it.

At Fahrenheit Marketing, we design fully responsive sites for our client so their visible and sleek on a variety of devices. If you’re looking to dive into the mobile world, let us help you along. Contact us today to get started.