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3 Tips on Using Social Media Contests to Boost Engagement

We all like to try to win prizes, especially if it’s simple to enter and there’s a chance to win something awesome. That’s why social media contests are a popular method to boost your social engagement. But social media contests aren’t as simple as they appear, and should have a strong strategy behind them. If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips:
1. Set a clear, specific goal.
Your goal through your contest shouldn’t be just to get a certain number of likes or followers. It doesn’t help if you have more fans, but your company hasn’t grown its community or revenue. Try to set a goal that will help your company more directly, such as doing research. If you are a dentist and want to see what kind of people like teeth whitening, offer a free whitening for those who like your page and see who enters.
2. Follow the rules.
Many aren’t aware that Facebook and Twitter have strict guidelines when it comes to running contests. If you don’t follow the rules, your company could be penalized. Try to use third-party apps to do your contests on Facebook, which will help you avoid breaking Facebook policies, and read The Twitter Rules before starting your promotion.
3. Choose a prize that relates to your company.
It can be tempting to offer prizes like iPads since most people want one. But that doesn’t help you with your target goal of reaching your specific audience. Try to offer prizes that relate to your business that your ideal customer would want. It’s cheaper, and it helps build up your target customer base. Or you can even offer prizes that won’t cost you anything. For example, some companies let their fans give ideas for a new flavor of chips or suggest a name for a new menu item.
If you would like to learn more about how Fahrenheit Marketing converts likes into fervent fans, contact us today.