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Marketing Automation for Dummies

Marketing is an ever-changing industry focused on influencing consumer decisions, buying behavior, and customer loyalty. Here at Fahrenheit, because we are brand-minded, we like to employ the use of marketing automation to cement the brand of our clients in the forefront of each consumer’s mind. Marketing automation is a powerful means of keeping your brand alive and well in a space full of noise and distractions.

First things first: what is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is typically thought of as a mean to expose your brand to your potential clients repeatedly through email, retargeting banners, phone calls and so on. It’s called “automation” because typically these tasks are pre-programmed and carried out through software. A good example of a marketing automation campaign would be an email drip campaign, for instance.
Your marketing team would devise a message to reach your potential clients in 5 segmented emails. The emails would be programmed to be sent once a week. That way, for 5 weeks, your prospects will be exposed to your brand and reminded of your products and/or services, always with a direct link to the landing page of your choice in that email.

Grab your audience’s attention with professional designs.

Marketing automation software is the engine that powers your message, but your message still needs to be crafted well, especially knowing that people’s inboxes are typically full of offers, many of which hold no differentiator from the next. Engage a creative team to craft the right message with the most polished graphic presentation. If your email looks shabby, one could easily assume that the same is true of your company. Look like the big boys and play the game like a pro.

Track the traffic on your website.

Imagine being able to see which areas of your website people most often visit? Did they visit your About page and click on the Contact Us button? What pages don’t get very many views? These questions can be answered through the power of marketing automation! Being able to track a prospect’s behavior on your website is just another benefit you’ll enjoy with marketing automation. Learning what pages your customers are attracted to help marketers gain insight on a prospect’s behavior and tailor marketing messages to that prospect’s interests. Tracking customer behavior can be helpful in defining your target market and converting ordinary website visits into quality leads.

Reverse lookup the IP address of your visitors

Fahrenheit marketing offers in its marketing automation platform a cutting edge reverse lookup capability that is hard to find in other solutions. When using Fahrenheit’s solution, you’ll have the ability to automatically identify a visitor of the website by having the system perform a reverse lookup on the IP address of the visitor. It’s an amazing tool that will bring back valuable information such as the company that owns the IP, their estimated annual revenue, estimated number of employees and also a list of key decision makers in the company with their name, phone number, email and title.

Track the life of a lead to improve conversion rates.

The number one goal with any marketing initiative is to generate more revenue. This is done through driving traffic to your website, converting the traffic into quality leads, and converting those leads into paying customers.
As you can imagine, there are many benefits to tracking the life of a lead. First and foremost, you get to understand how people interact with your brand, your content and where in your website they spend most of their time. This is also a function of Google Analytics and many other tracking services, but in the case of Fahrenheit’s solution, it’s all built into one intuitive package. You will also be able to track each open email, clicked email and the behaviour of that specific person once they land on your site from that email… The level of control and monitoring we’re able to offer is creepy, I know, but it is altogether useful.

Make your marketing content more effective.

Your marketing content can be easily tracked through marketing automation. Is your content engaging your users? Marketing automation tools will reveal the answer, and you can either continue with your current practices if they’re successful, or stop spending time and money marketing content that doesn’t interest your audience. With marketing automation tools at hand, you’ll be able to gauge how to successfully target your audience with the right content.
With marketing automation, the days of stressing over tight deadlines can be a thing of the past! This software saves you time, increases your efficiency, and gives you the information you need to run a successful marketing campaign. Happy marketing, from the team at Fahrenheit! Contact us for more information about marketing automation in the modern marketing world. Our solution starts at only $500 per month and it will blow your mind sideways with its capabilities.