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Bing-Powered Search Gains 4% Market Share at Google’s Expense

The latest Experian Hitwise report covering US search activity for the month of August shows Bing gaining market share at Google’s expense. In the year since Bing partnered with Yahoo to provide their organic search results, the sites have seen a 4 percent increase in US market share with Hitwise reporting that Bing-powered searches rose to 28.99% up 0.94% from July.

Hitwise reported the new found gains by Bing / Yahoo came at the expense of Google whose market share fell from 71.59 to 65 percent. The news of Bing’s increase in market share comes as the company engages in a high stakes war of words with Google over their search technologies.

Just days ago, one of Google’s engineers posted screenshots showing “Easter Eggs” for searches related to satan as well as the keyword “hiybbprqag” which Google used in a covert operation to prove Bing was scraping their results. Bing has since removed their shots at Google from the results but it highlights the tense atmosphere as the companies battle for control of a $20 billion industry.

Fahrenheit Marketing is an Austin web design firm.