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Follow Friday: Top Copywriters

In this week’s Follow Friday series, we are sharing some of the top copywriters we follow and constantly learn from.

1. Drayton Bird @DraytonBird

Drayton Bird has been lauded as the UK’s number one copywriter. His book, Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing, has been the UK’s best seller on the subject every year since 1982. He has worked for companies such as American Express, British Airways and IBM. We enjoy getting tips from his popular “bird dropping” tweets.

2. Bob Bly @Robertbly

Bob Bly has been a freelance copywriter for 30 years, was dubbed “America’s top copywriter” by McGraw-Hill and praised by legendary ad man David Ogilvy. We are constantly learning through his blog posts and tweets about how we can make our writing even more powerful.

3. Steve Slaunwhite @steveslaunwhite

Steve has written for big name companies like Hewlett-Packard, UPS and Forbes, but now devotes most of his time to helping small business owners fulfill their dreams. He has written many helpful books like The Everything Guide to Writing Copy. He is also a popular marketing coach, so we always learn something new through reading his blog posts.

4. Kristi Hines @kikolani

Kristi is a professional blogger, freelance writer and social media enthusiast who has an audience of around 50,000 fans and followers. She writes for one of our favorite publications, Search Engine Watch. She always shares great marketing article links on her Twitter stream.

5. Valeria Maltoni @ConversationAge

Valeria has 20 years’ experience consulting to Fortune 500 and fast growth organizations on how to drive business results. Since 2006, Valeria’s blog Conversation Agent has been ranked among the top 30 marketing blogs in the world on AdAge Power150. We enjoy reading her posts and soaking up her marketing knowledge.

Our copywriters learn from the best. If you would like to know more about our expert content development, contact Fahrenheit Marketing today.