You’ve decided to make the jump and get a new website for your business. You’re starting to research which marketing firms will give you the most bang for your buck. You might have even found your top choice firms and scheduled meetings with them.
But what can you do to make the process simpler for you and your new marketing agency once they begin working on your site? Here are three tips to make the process of building a new website easier:
- Find examples of websites in your field that you like. By finding websites that you like, you’ll be able to tell your marketing agency which features you prefer, what color schemes you think look best and even what kind of tone you want the copy on your site to have. On the flip side, it’s also a good idea to find examples of websites you absolutely don’t like to give the agency a clearer picture of what you’re aiming for.
- Collect information on your existing customer base or think about the qualities of the customers you would like to have. A good website will speak to your customers, and the better your marketing agency knows your customer base, the better they’ll be able to create a site that your customers will connect with.
- Think about what sets you apart from others in your field. Great marketing websites tell customers why they should use that business instead of another. Find out what makes your business unique, and your website will be able to attract customers. Need help finding your unique selling proposition? Read our past blog post.
Ready to earn more customers with an outstanding website? Contact Fahrenheit Marketing today for a free consultation