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How Product-Related Content Impacts User Experience

These days having a catchy jingle or a smooth slogan just doesn’t cut it when trying to sell your products. Users want lots and lots of information about whatever they are about to purchase, and not just any information, but user-friendly content that connects with them.
A UX Booth article recently shared how they discovered through A/B testing that the businesses that took the time to translate their product information into attractive content had higher conversions than those who didn’t.
The company content26 developed enhanced product-detail content for 128 products sold by an e-commerce retailer. Half of the visitors were shown product pages with generic content. The other half were shown the “enhanced” product pages. There was a 38 percent increase in conversion rates among customers who were showed the enhanced content.
The main difference in the generic vs. enhanced product-related content was the that generic content usually tossed around technical jargon that sounded smart, but didn’t help the customers understand how those qualities would benefit them. For example, instead of just listing, 70,000:1 contrast ratio, the enhanced version said, “And thanks to a dynamic contrast ratio of 70,000:1, it displays realistic, bright colors that immerse you in the image.”
Users are researching as many sites as possible to determine where they will purchase their products from. If your product-related content doesn’t just list the features, but also share how those features will benefit your customer, you will get more conversions than your competitors.
To learn more how we can use our content development skills to improve user-experience and convert clicks into clients, contact Fahrenheit Marketing today and set-up your consultation.