Everyone knows they should be on social media and using it to get customers, but how exactly do you do that? To help you use the ever-growing world of social media to your advantage, here are three tips on finding customers through social channels:
1. Search them out.
Instead of waiting for customers to find you, find them. Through services like TweetDeck and Hootsuite, you can set up a variety of Twitter searches to see if anyone is talking about your company, or to get a handle on what kind of products your customer base is interested in. For instance, if you are starting a Thai restaurant, set up a search in your geocode and use specific keywords such as “love Thai food” and tweet those who love Thai food about your new restaurant. Or you can see what kind of Thai dishes people say they love and try to incorporate it into the menu.
2. Have a contest.
As we mentioned in a previous post, giving away products or having contests that engage your customers also helps you build up your customer base. But remember the point of the contests isn’t just to get more fans or likes, but to get devoted fans. So keep your contests targeted to the specific audience you want as customers and offer prizes that relate to your company.
3. Make the most of each social channel.
If you put the same posts on all your social channels, no one needs to follow you on all of them. Each social platform has its unique attributes that you can capitalize on to help your company. Posting an image on Facebook gets more shares than posting one on Twitter. It’s easier to have a conversation on Twitter and answer specific customer questions than on Facebook. Foursquare is perfect for giving special offers to those who check-in to your business. Before you post or tweet, make sure you are sharing the message on the best social channel for it.
To learn how we can help you gain more customers through social media, contact Fahrenheit Marketing today to set-up a consultation.