Recently, Facebook released information on new features that benefit advertisers and fan page administrators. Among these, Facebook added a new “People are talking about this” feature. The purpose of this new section is to track different conversations surrounding a particular topic but research showed people were more confused than excited about it.
Seeing the confusion, Facebook has since clarified the meaning of this new feature. The “People are talking about this” number is refreshed each day and is derived from several different interactions that a consumer has throughout his/her time on Facebook.
Facebook has indicated that this new feature will be much clearer to understand in a new version of the new Insights application. To those who have access to the Insights page, there will be a full section tailored around the “People talking about this” feature. Some of the different “interactions” that come together to create this metric include:
• Checking in somewhere
• RSVP’ing to an event
• Posting an answer to Question
• Posting to a Page wall
• Liking a Page
It is easy for page administrators to fall into the “There goes another statistic I have to keep up with” mentality, but this new metric is said to significantly boost Facebook Page analytics. Administrators will not only be able to measure the reach of specific articles, but also everyone who communicates and shares information about them.
This new feature brings much promise to the world of social media metrics. However, no one will truly know how useful it will be, or the impact, until it is fully implemented.